Wednesday, 28 April 2010

Evalution : Audience Feedback

I asked 10 different students aged between 16-18, what they thought of my Final Project. To make it fair I asked 5 females and 5 males and I also made sure I asked different ethnicity people.

1) What does the title (Ultimatum) suggest to you?
'It sounds good, like a threat, but in a good way. Makes me want to buy it.'
'I like it  because it means that if you are being challenged because if you're a Dj you make new music and make sure people will like it.'
The results showed  choosing the title Ultimatum was a good idea and that it suited my genre as some people noticed.
I also got some criticism where 2 people didn't understand why I chose this as my title which made me consider doing more research on my audience and be aware of not everybody liking names for magazines.

2) What genre of music does the magazine focus on and how do you know this?
Majority of the people I asked didn't really know what the genre was as I didn't have images of DJ equipment or items that are associated with this genre. A few of the people found out because of the word 'DJ' and the trip t 'Ibiza'.
When making my project i didn't realise that my music genre wasn't being represented so if I would make changes to my project I would make the model wear clothing or accessories which will let the audience what genre I am conveying.

3) What makes the pages look professional and what stops them from looking professional?
'The use of photoshop on the front cover and on the contents page makes it look professional'
'The background on the article and on one of the pictures'
'The use of different text and clours make it look professional'.
My audience thought my project looked very professional and gave me lots of positive feedback which made me confident on whether it looked profeesional.

4) How genuine does the ffront cover seem?
'The front cover looks genune because of the information boxes'
'The colours and style which are carried throughout the magazine pages make it look genuine'
'The price, barcode and website make it look genuine'.
They said that the front covere looked good but one male thought that my front cover had to much empty space and my model wasn't positioned nicely. If I could make changes I would consider his critism by making my model be more creative and make sure that the front cover doesn't look so bland or too busy.

5) Does the Contents page simply inform or does it also manage t interact you in reading the rest of the magazine?
'The contents page is my favourite because it is so colourful and has lots of interesting pictures, this makes me want to read more and the contents page does inform me as it shows the different sections in the magazine'.
'Yes, It does inform me and I like the background and how the colours are broken down with the different sections'.
I like how i got positive feedback as I think my contents page is the best page from my project. I tried to maintain the colour scheme and make sure that I inform and entertain them by having a variety of images. Breaking down the features of the magazines looks appealing to the eye.

6) Does the article sound like a piece of journalism? If not what bits don't sound right?
'Yes, it does and i like the different questions she has asked the DJ'
'I like how both the interviewer and DJ Kash interact like when they laugh and joke'.
'There is lots of interesting information'
I also got some bad critism about how my article is mostly about the interview and how there is too much to rad and not enough pictures. Also another person said the images I used weren't good.
If I could change my article I would have more intersting and appropriate images and make sure that there isn't alot of information that would bore or confuse my audience.

7) Does the article make you want to read it? If not why not?
The results i got were 50% positive and 50% negative.
'The use of colour scheme makes me want to read the article'
'The title and the use of images made me want to read it.'
'The layout is good as it is straight forward and simple to read from'
The neagative critism I got was 'That there was too much writing and the layout wasn't exciting'
'There weren't enough images and it looked too busy'.
When making another article i would consider using more images and using a different layout which will atract more people to read it as my other pages were different and good.

My audience feedback has made me realise that what you think may look good doesn't agree with many people and it isn't about whether you like but whether it will attract the target audience to buy it.

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