Tuesday, 4 May 2010

Wednesday, 28 April 2010

Evalution : Audience Feedback

I asked 10 different students aged between 16-18, what they thought of my Final Project. To make it fair I asked 5 females and 5 males and I also made sure I asked different ethnicity people.

1) What does the title (Ultimatum) suggest to you?
'It sounds good, like a threat, but in a good way. Makes me want to buy it.'
'I like it  because it means that if you are being challenged because if you're a Dj you make new music and make sure people will like it.'
The results showed  choosing the title Ultimatum was a good idea and that it suited my genre as some people noticed.
I also got some criticism where 2 people didn't understand why I chose this as my title which made me consider doing more research on my audience and be aware of not everybody liking names for magazines.

2) What genre of music does the magazine focus on and how do you know this?
Majority of the people I asked didn't really know what the genre was as I didn't have images of DJ equipment or items that are associated with this genre. A few of the people found out because of the word 'DJ' and the trip t 'Ibiza'.
When making my project i didn't realise that my music genre wasn't being represented so if I would make changes to my project I would make the model wear clothing or accessories which will let the audience what genre I am conveying.

3) What makes the pages look professional and what stops them from looking professional?
'The use of photoshop on the front cover and on the contents page makes it look professional'
'The background on the article and on one of the pictures'
'The use of different text and clours make it look professional'.
My audience thought my project looked very professional and gave me lots of positive feedback which made me confident on whether it looked profeesional.

4) How genuine does the ffront cover seem?
'The front cover looks genune because of the information boxes'
'The colours and style which are carried throughout the magazine pages make it look genuine'
'The price, barcode and website make it look genuine'.
They said that the front covere looked good but one male thought that my front cover had to much empty space and my model wasn't positioned nicely. If I could make changes I would consider his critism by making my model be more creative and make sure that the front cover doesn't look so bland or too busy.

5) Does the Contents page simply inform or does it also manage t interact you in reading the rest of the magazine?
'The contents page is my favourite because it is so colourful and has lots of interesting pictures, this makes me want to read more and the contents page does inform me as it shows the different sections in the magazine'.
'Yes, It does inform me and I like the background and how the colours are broken down with the different sections'.
I like how i got positive feedback as I think my contents page is the best page from my project. I tried to maintain the colour scheme and make sure that I inform and entertain them by having a variety of images. Breaking down the features of the magazines looks appealing to the eye.

6) Does the article sound like a piece of journalism? If not what bits don't sound right?
'Yes, it does and i like the different questions she has asked the DJ'
'I like how both the interviewer and DJ Kash interact like when they laugh and joke'.
'There is lots of interesting information'
I also got some bad critism about how my article is mostly about the interview and how there is too much to rad and not enough pictures. Also another person said the images I used weren't good.
If I could change my article I would have more intersting and appropriate images and make sure that there isn't alot of information that would bore or confuse my audience.

7) Does the article make you want to read it? If not why not?
The results i got were 50% positive and 50% negative.
'The use of colour scheme makes me want to read the article'
'The title and the use of images made me want to read it.'
'The layout is good as it is straight forward and simple to read from'
The neagative critism I got was 'That there was too much writing and the layout wasn't exciting'
'There weren't enough images and it looked too busy'.
When making another article i would consider using more images and using a different layout which will atract more people to read it as my other pages were different and good.

My audience feedback has made me realise that what you think may look good doesn't agree with many people and it isn't about whether you like but whether it will attract the target audience to buy it.

Friday, 23 April 2010

Final Project


Changes to my Magazine Front cover
The cahnges i made to my Front cover were drastic to my mock up. I wanted to produce a simliar looking front cover to a DJ Mag that I really liked. After trying to make thsi successful I decided it didn't suit my background. The changes I made on my front cover were that instead of putting information on both on the left and right hand side I would out them in a zig zag position. This suited me because I found it difficult to write informationthat would be included in my magazine. Also this was effective as it helped make my magazine look professional and made it look like there was enough information and didn't look empty or busy. Also as on the magazine I was fond of had many different coloured backgrounds and different coloured text which contribuated to the colour scheme, which I tried to use but couldn't because it didn't look nice. So instead of using this technique I decided to use purple and blue background and use one colour for my text, yellow, which won't confuse my audience. I also used a different colour for my competition box as this will be more eye-catching  and differentiate from my colour scheme.

Contents Page
I also made a massive change to my content page as I wanted to put three boxes and then have three images separate them. When I tried to do, it didn't quite look nice as some boxes where bigger then others which meant my magazines would them be smaller than I expected, which wasn't possible. So I decided to put the information in a linear fashion but colour co-ordinate them which was effective as it showed the different feautures within the Magazine. I also wanted to put an Editors note on the contents page as it shows the audience that they are welcome and part of the magazine.  

Feature Article
The change I made in my article was only with the position on my images. I wanted t omake my images the hightlight of the pages as this is what attracts the audience the most. I decided to put one of the images in the middle of the page instead in the corner.
Raw Shots

For my front cover I have manipulated the background for my modde. I took a picture of my Model, Kashif, behind a white/cream colour background. Then i took a portrait picture of wall black/grey stoned background as I wanted my model to have this background. To manipulate my image i saved it and uploaded it on Photoshop. I then used the Pen tool to cut my model out. After successfully achieveing the cut out, I then saved the picture. I then uploaded my background and placed the cut out over it, Giving my finished project for my front cover.

Another image I manipulated was for my contents page. I took a picture of two of my friends, Saliah and Innayat, on a white backgorund. I also wanted a different background which showed  them happy and crazy. In order for me to do this I created my own background on Photoshop. I wanted to be creative and have  something different. I started to use different brushes fro my background. I then found a Star brush which I thought would best suit my genre. I then strted to use my colour scheme of blue, purple and yellow to show the connection. When I was happy with my background I then saved it. After saving the background i then had to cut out my image where I used the same Pen tool and then placed it upon my scolourful star background.
Primary Images for Magazine

Here are some of the images I have put onto my Magazine or havn't used on my Magzine

Draft of Article

Mock-Up of Feature Article

Mock-Up of Contents Page

Mock-Up of Front cover

Sunday, 28 March 2010

This is my MoodBoard of the type of writings, colours, images I want. There are also images of front cover which I liked and would base my front covers on. 
Reader Profile

A reader profile is for fans where they have information about themselves on a page where they keep contact with what they like. The profiles will help show my audiences age, sex and interest. This will further help me understand more about the genre of DJ.

Name: Emily Holding
Age: 19
Sex: Female
Occupation: Student
Relationship Status: Single, looking for friends.
Hobbies/Interest: Music, Partying, chilling with friends. Love to shop (to keep up with the latest fashions).
Music: Dance, DJ, Hip Hop and RnB

This is what most reader profile look like. It gives me enongh ideas to see who likes DJ music and what there interests are.
Planning of Photo shoot
For my front cover and my feature article I will be using a friend called Kashif, which will be a DJ who has been in the industry for two years. The clothes I will make make my friend Kashif are going to be colours that will represent my colour scheme; light blue, purple and cream. In my feature artcle I will be will use probs as his background for example DJ equipment or a studio which represent his genre of music and also will show him in hids natural enviroment which is very effective with audiences as they like to know what is happening in their lifes. In another picture of him i will be taking a picture of him with a car or a motorcycle which will show somthing which is associated with him outside his music. These probs/background will help my readers to understand and relate to my artists. I will also be having a different model which will be on my content page, He will also be wearing the house colours. Also on my content page i will be taking a picture of both a female friend, saliah and a male friend Innayat. These will present fun and excitement in their picture, whilst wearing the house colours.
My Magazines Name

Picking a name/brand for my magazine was very difficult as wasn't sure what kind of name my target audience would enjoy. In order to find out what is the best option I created a questionnaire where i asked what kind of name they would like. As u can see from the resuls in my previous blogs majority of the votes went to Futuristic and Ultumatum. Both of these names were my favourite, i picked Futuristic as it resembles whart DJing is all about and how it evolves in the future. I liked the name Ultimatum as it show as iy is a threat which is chatchy as it gives the buyers an ultimatum to buy it and also in the DJ Industry it shows how if people don't like your music you have no choice but to improve or leave the business.
My further reseacrch on the internet made me realise that the name Futuristic has already been taken by another magazine. So I have decided to stick with Ultimatum as my magazine cover name.
Equipment/ Technology

The technology I will be using is InDesign and Photoshop. InDesign will help me produce the different areas of my magazine such as the front cover, contents page and my feature article. This software will ensure that I can use a varity of application for my pages. This technology will make my production look like a professional magazine. I will be using PhotoShop for editing my images/photos to make them adjustable for my genre and look more presentable.
When producing my work I will be working on a Mac computer and various Microsoft Publications.To take my picture i will be using a 7.2 Megapixel camera. For any hand-drawn and hand-written pieces I will be using a scanner.
Institution to Produce and Distribute

For Magazines to become successful, they need to find an Institution that will best help their Magazine with their Distribution and production. Different genres use different Institution for example IPC and BMG are used by NME and Q. If i wnat a good Institution for my specific genre i have to do research to find out which Institution will best suit my magazine.
The best Institution for my DJ Magazine is Stark Profiles and PR as they provide the best services and have numerous artists. They will best help me as they will make sure that i will be able to advertise my magazine throughout the country and help me to make the sales that I need. This will help me have the upper hand over my competition and become more successful than them as majority of the population isn't aware of these types of magazines.
Questionnaire Results

Here are some results I found out from my Questionnaire:

I asked the people answering my Questionnaire whether 'They listened to DJ Music?'
The results I got were surprising as more than half of the people asked did listen to DJ Music and liked it. This made me realise that this is a popular genre.

One of my question was 'Would you buy a Magazine about DJ’s?'
The results for this showed that majority of the people asked didn't know or won't aware of DJ Magazines being sold. This shows that the Magazine Industry aren't advertisng there magazines as successfully which leads to low ratings of sales. The people who answered this question also said Yes to by the Magazine which shows there are peole intrested in this type og genre, they are not aware there was a magazine for it.

Another question I asked was 'What techniques do you think they could use to sell their Magazine?'
This will allow me to know what my audience thinks is the best way to advertise the Magazine fro people to be aware of DJ Magazines. I asked them to circle/highlight more then one option as this will will show me which techniques best suit my market. The results showed there were three popular methods of advertising which were In shops, On TV and on Flyers/Posters. The results will help mt problem on advertising to my audience and will be successful.
Below, is my questionnaire i would undertake in order to see what pople know about my genre (DJ) and which types of genres they like. I wanted to know if peole have knowledge on whether there are DJ Magazines for them to buy. Here are my results:

Monday, 15 March 2010

Tiesto Image Analysis
This is an image of Tiesto for his radio show Club Life. This image helps to portray Tiestos life of DJing with colours. The colours represent his busy, adventurous and innovative life he has as a DJ. He is also wearing his headphones which also help us further understand that this image is about how he loves being a DJ. His body language is also showing us that he is confident in his work and his passion for the music, which is why he is in the top 5 best DJ's. I like the contrast in the different colours that have been used and how his body language, props and colours help explain his feeling towards being a DJ.
David Guetta Analysis
This is an image of the DJ David Guetta performing at a club. This is a great picture as it shows the artsist in its natural enviroment. It has the props of the equipment, headphones and lighting. the Lighting shows the colours that are used within clubs and helps portray the atmosphere of fun. Davids position shows the enjoyment and love that he feels when he is performing. He is doing the 'I'm on top of the world' pose which shows his passion and confidence in his work.
I like how blown away David feels about performing jhis music. I like the fact he is in his natural enviroment.
Top 40 Downloads

 01.Marc Leaf / Simon Mann - Get Up
 02.Stefano Prada - Sweet Dreams
 03.Christopher S feat MC X Large - Horny!
 04.Erick Morillo, Harry Romero, Jose Nunez feat Jes - Dancin
 05.Tim Sanchez - No More Party
06.Olivier Giacomotto / DJ Tonio - V1ru5
07.EDX - Party Of Politics
08.Chris Lake / Michael Woods - Domino's
09.Rank 1 / Jochen Miller - The Great Escape
10.DJ Mog Feat Sarah Lynn - Somewhere
11.OceanLab vs Mike Shiver - If I Could Fly On The Surface
12.DJ Deekline - Jackson 5 Surprise
13.Sebastian Krieg - Brooklyn
14.Passenger 10 - Needles & Pins
15.Ian Carey feat Michelle Shellers - Keep On Rising
16.Xinobi - Day Off
17.Faust / Shortee - Gangsta Boogie
18.Olivier Giacomotto / DJ Tonio - TecH1N1o
19.Big Bang Breaks - Insane In The Brain
20.The Full Time Superstars - Waiting For The Night
21.Moonbootica - Men Of The Future
22.Cosmic Gate - Barra
23.Freerange DJs - Back To The Old Jack
24.Stefano Noferini - Burujava
25.Daniel Portman / Stanley Ross - Tiny Dolls
26.Tony Cha Cha & Ray Fox - My Friend
27.Whelan & Di Scala - Big Apple
28.Sander Van Doorn - Daisy
29.Filthy Rich - Arumba
30.Prok & Fitch present Nanchang Nancy - Walk With Me
31.Alex Herrera - Desire
32.Armand Van Helden - My My My
33.Hermanez - Soms
34.Reboot - Enjoy Music
35.JonnyMac - Sunrise
36.Dr Kucho! - Funkatron
37.Lutzenkirchen - Till I Come To Your Rescue
38.Lee Mortimer & Foamo - Superman
39.Schadenfreude - Norrec's 24h Street Carnival
40.Anil Chawla - Think About It
Circulation Figures in 2009
  1. BBC Music 42,810 (45,144)*
  2. Classic FM 32,534 (35,751)*
  3. Classic Rock 71,242 (70,301 / 70,188)
  4. Computer Music 17,427 (18,261)*
  5. Future Music 10,862 (10,860)*
  6. Gramophone 32,313 (34,628)*
  7. Hot Press 18,394 (19,387)*
  8. Kerrang! 41,125 (43,253 / 52,272)
  9. Metal Hammer 41,777 (46,004 / 50,269)
  10. Mixmag 26,116 (30,159)*
  11. Mojo 98,484 (97,722 / 100,507)
  12. NME 38,486 (40,948 / 48,459)
  13. Q 94,811 (100,172 / 103,107)
  14. Terrorizer 11,641 (13,786)*
  15. Top of the Pops 107,576 (119,739)*
  16. Uncut 75,518 (76,526 / 87,069)
  17. Word 26,555 (34,280)*
These are the latest circulation figures. Eventhough some of these magazines don't fit within my genre it helps me to gain knowledge on why these magazines are very popular and what differwent techniques they use to attract many customers. Future Music is a magazine of my genre it has sold 10,862 copies in 2009 which is one of the lowest ratings. This shows that my genre isn't very popular as it sells to a niche market. The figures allow me to see that other magazines in different genres are doing better which i will consider as it has entered the market. I will take ideas from the other magazines to make sure that it becomes as popular.

Unique Selling Point
The genre i have decided to use for my magazine itself is a unique selling point from my fellow students as this is an option students won't use as their option. My genre of DJ also hasn't got a wide spread of magazine as their is a gap in the market. Also bieng a DJ has only become popular within the 21st Century as it is a futuristic genre which evolves with technology. 
Target Audience
My Target Audience are 15-24 who like to party as this type of music is played in clubs. This is my age group as they understand the technology and also heve eveolved with it. The target audience will be interested in what will be presented in the magazine.

My reasearch on analysing Magazine Front Covers, an Album, a Content Page and a Feature Article will allow me to use my Knowledge of what is appropriate and neccessary in making my own Magazine. I will use the strnghts i have found and conventions to allow me to do this.
Feature Article

This is a Feature Article fom B C Magazine. This amgazine is interviewing three former DJ's who are planning an event called Scream. The article has an image which is in the middle of the interview. The image is quite big and shows the three DJ's who are being interviewed with the letters of the event 'Scream'.  Using the image is effective as it shows the people who are being interviewed and the images are dominant feautre. The interviewee is asking question whicch is a different colour from the original text which is effective as it stands out allowing you to notice where and what the question is being asked. Also at the end of the article there is information on where and when the event is taking place. This allows the observer to take part in this event and it is an easy way to promote events.  Furthermore, it gives information on each DJ on how you can contact or visit their facebook profile.
When making my Feature Article i will consider having a dominant image where it is showing the DJ I will be interviewing. The concept of using a different colour for the question is somthing i am going to consider as it will brighten the Article and carry on with the house style i will have used for both my Magazine Cover and Content Page. when finished interviewing i will also consider giving information on what the DJ is promoting as then it will allow them to visit or but their event or album.
Kerrang Content Page Analysis

This is one of the many Content Pages of Kerrang. The content page has many images of groups and artists that are going to be feautred in the amagzine. Having the images is effective as it attract the viewers to look through the magazine and don't feel overpowered by text. The use of images helps to fill the page. The content page also follows the colour scheme of black and yellow which is effective as it show continuity from the front cover. This doesn't confuse the the buyer and carries on with the hose style. The text on the page isn't large which is effective as it doesn't take the focus away from the pictures and doesn't overpower thyem. the use of Sub heading to divide the certain areas with in magazine is very effective as it show how organised the amgazine is and how easily it is to use.

The use of the different images is very effective and a very vital aspect of the content page. When making my own content page i will consider using a variety of images which will attract my audience to buy the magazine. I also like the idea of using the Sub heading to divide the areas. I also will make sure that i have a constant colour shceme and the same text throught the Magazine.  
Overall Evaluation
 By researching different magazine and album covers i have realised that when making my magazine i have to consider on using a star that fills my magazine. Also as i have seen from the other magazines i have to make sure that i use very bright colourful colours as that is the main focus on the magazines as this allows it to stand out from other genre magazines.My favourite style is the DJ Mag as it has used many colours and the style of jow it has presented other text that are featuring within the magazine. it is the most interesting. The way the MixMag magazine is presented is very clever as it has used two different genres. Also the dominat colour of pink was very intersting and i would like to use it on my magazine. The body languge throught the magazines showed the stars confidence which i will try to do.
CD Cover Analysis
This is a CD cover for DJ Khaleds album. Dj Khaled is the amin focus on the Album as it shows that it shows that it is his album. His body languge which is presented in his cover shows that he is confiddence and 'The Best' as that is his subheading which also represents through his hands and expression. The background of the cover is an image of lights on the streets in a blurwhich shows how busy being a DJ is and the use of bright colours also represents his genre as it shows how fun, colourful and inovative a DJ has to become. DJ Khaled is a member of Terror Squad which is a well known group of mixture genres, it has artists like Ashanti, Ja Rule and Fat Joe. Outlining this above the main heading and with the prop of his jewellery helps people to recognise him and show how famous he has become within the Music Industry.  
The use of having a big image of the artists will attract more of his fans to buy his album. Also allowing the name Terror Squad is effective as it helps him be more recognisable. The propsof jewellery and sunglasses help to portray his confidence, ambition and success. Eventhough there is no colour the background is very effective as it make DJ Khaled stand out and brings you to notice the colours and abstractness which is being presented.
MixMag Front Cover Analysis
This is a MixMax Magazinee which doesn't represent my genre of DJ but it is a Dance/Clubbing Magazine which is quite similar.
This magazine also has two stars on the cover. P Diddy is stood up whereas Felix is sat down. the choice of using two different levels is effective as it shows the two genres of RnB and dance uniting. P Diddy's behaviour shows that he is very confident and arragonce by tilting his head in the air and folding his arms. Felix has a different approach as his mouth is opened which shows has loud and crazy his type of music represents. Also the use of the prop of the turntable show his talent and how important it is to him. The choice of colours yellow and white represent the background of the magazine. The colours represent the sand and the beach. The colour Pink is very effective as it stands out from the background and the other colours on the cover.

This magazine has very good potential of attracting new customers and keeping their existing customers as the use of using two important stars in their genres and positioning them in different levels is very effective as it allows the person buying the magazine to see the different genres collabarating. Alao this shows how the magazine is trying new ideas to attract the two genres in buying this issue and other issues in the future. Furthermore, using the colour pink with the midly bright colours is very effective as this is one of the things  that will first attract the person. The Pink also represents the two genres as it wouldn't be associated with the other colours.
Front Cover Analysis
This is a magazine front cover for DJ Mag.
Their Title is bright red and their website which is placed within this logo is also a bright yellow. Using the yellow inside of the logo is effective as these colours go together with each other and the yellow is effective as it attracts you to observe it. The Heading also is also a logo as their is a disk upon the J of DJ. This is effective as the disk is then associated with the magazine. The image in this magazine are men using Direct Address. they have used these DJ's to be on the front cover as they are very popular in the genre I have used. The body language on the man on the left-hand side show that he is the onewho is more dominant as he is the one who has taken most of the magazines cover. Also tilting his glasses shows his confidence. The man on the righ-hand side who is less dominant is shows his confiddence with his facial expression. The colour of this issue is red, blue, yellow and white. The colours used are very bright and best represent the futuristic, innovative and colourful genre of DJ. The colours are targeted to both sexes and a target audience of 15-24 as these are their customers whom enjoy partying and listening to their type of music.
 Using the strapline and extra information about what is being featured within the magazine is a typical  convention.
This magazine has used all of the convention a music magazines would use. the use of the two different stars, one more dominat than the other, attracts people to buy this magazine. The colours the stars are wearing are also present in the colour theme which attracts the customer to buy the magazine. The colour palet chosen for this issue are suitable as they represent what the genre is about. the use of having the strapline and extra information in the same colours attract new or existing customers, this is effective as when buying this magazine they will be facinated with the clours and at the size of the image.

Tuesday, 9 February 2010

Preliminary Task

On the left is my first attempt of making a Front cover for St Mary's College. Here i have used some conventions that main magazines use when selling their Magazines to their audeince.
I have use a direct approach, this is when the star is using direct contact with the audience, this is good as it invites the person to buy this magazine as it is invited. The size of my image is a medium close up which worked best with fo rmy magazine as it took the whole of the front page which mean that it would be the main focus and easily noticeable to choose from a collection of different magazines. the picture is also friendly looking as it is of a student at St Marys College, this also shows a clear indication of who my target audience is.
However my image is noticeably blurry, which when making my Dj Magazine I would take into consideration,which might prevent people reading the magazine. Also there is a big gap between the top of the head and the top of the page, this isn't very attactive and makes the image look smaller.
Magazine Cover
My magazine is quite colourful, it has a variety of colour that would attract both sexes. The colours I have used don't reflect the target audience as they are colours that are regularly used in many other magazine. My colours are just random as they are colours i used for the task that i thought looked. I have used two different types of font, the tittle font differs from the other text i have written.
However even though my magazines has colour on the front cover it still is bland as the colours are vibrant or as eye catching as other magazines. Also the text i have used isn't interesting enough or makes people drawn to it. When making my final product i will take in consideration the colours that will reflect  my genre and be continue throughout the magazine. Also since i am doing a DJ Magazine i have to be more creative and use funky font so it will suit my target audience, which will make them buy it.

Content Page 
My Content page is a draft of what i thought my content page should look like. My content page consist of half pictures and half of it is text as this would attract more people. My content page would use the same colur and same font as it that is the house style.
when considering doing ma actual contents i will make sure it is bright, colourful and full of images.

Tuesday, 26 January 2010

Initial Ideas

This is a brainstorm of my Initial Ideas that i may use in making my decision on what type of magazine i would like to do for my coursework. There are many ideas that are likely to be more favourable than opthers when chosen by my fellow students such as:
* A magazine for New RnB Male and Female Artists
* New Artists in the Uk and America
Other Ideas are really something i am not fairly comfortable with as i have a bit of knowledge about them and only like to listen to some of their songs then their albums such as
* Christian Rock
* Punk Rock/ Indie Music
* Electric Dance Music
Some of my ideas would be very difficult to do as I am not as aware of of them than other genres within the Music Industry, but the genres are something which would have that unoque selling point and there aren't many magazine publishersthat choose to have these genres as their isn't a demand fro them, such as:
* Reggae
* Jazz/ Soul
* International European Artists
If i chose one of these genres than I wouldn't have been as dedicated or involved with them as it would mean i would have to be very innovative and creative, this meant i would have to put extra effort and determination into my magazine which i don't have the time for or any indication on what to do. If I did have the time and infromation then i would of liked to taken up the project.
The magazine that I have chosen to make for my coursework is a DJ magazine as it is very popular in the 21st Century. Also the new technology invented has also made this genre very popular. My target audience is the age range of 15-24 as these are the people that would enjoy this type of music and is preferred with the different clubs and parties that people visit. My Magazine will be very bright, unique, innovative and based on technology as that is what my genre represents.